Luxembourg Accounting and training Frequently Asked Questions

Please find some question that our training participants, clients or contacts asked to us.

Chartered accountants expertise in Luxembourg

  • What are the differences between a fiduciary and an accounting firm in Luxembourg?

    A Fiduciary is a company that performs accounting and organizational work on behalf of other companies.
    In the present case, there is no difference in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg between a fiduciary (fiduciaire ) and an accounting firm (cabinet d’expertise comptable) or a "chartered accountant" (comptable agréé).

  • What are the differences between an accounting firm and a chartered accountant in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg?

    In Luxembourg, the activities of these two accounting experts are different.
    The activity of the chartered accountant expert (Expert-Comptable) includes several services to companies including:
    ● The organization, assessment and adjustment of accounts and accounts of all kinds,
    ● Drawing up balance sheets and analyzing, using accounting techniques, the situation and operation of companies and organizations in their various economic and financial aspects,
    Bookkeeping, domiciliation of companies, provision of all services relating to salary statements and social secretariat,
    Tax advice and preparation of tax declarations or contractual control of accounts.
    Chartered accountants (Experts Comptables) undergo specific qualifying training. They are registered with the Order of Chartered Accountants (OEC), the profession is regulated.
    Accountants (Comptables agréés) must also apply for a specific establishment authorization and their activities cover only part of the scope of the accountant's activities for small businesses according to the thresholds defined in the law. This mainly concerns the keeping of accounts.


  • How to know the level required to follow the training?

    The level required to follow the training is indicated on the training fact sheet or description. If this does not appear, the training does not require a particular level of knowledge on the part of the participant.
    However, the teaching team and the trainers are at your disposal to answer your questions concerning the level required for each of the training courses offered.

  • What are the provisions concerning the use of training materials?

    Les documents remis lors des formations est soumise aux droits sur la propriété intellectuelle du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. Toute présentation ou reproduction intégrale ou partielle ne peut être faite sans le consentement de l'auteur ou de ses ayants droit.Les participants ont la possibilité d'effectuer des copies strictement pour l'usage privé du copiste et ces copies ne peuvent en aucun cas être destinées à une utilisation collective. Cependant, les analyses et les courtes citations sont autorisées si celles-ci font clairement apparaître le nom de l'auteur et la source à proximité immédiate de l'information citée quel que soit le support. Le non-respect de ces consignes constituerait une contrefaçon.En cas de doute, notre équipe est à votre disposition pour répondre à vos questions.
    The documents provided during the training sessions are subject to the intellectual property rights of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Any full or partial reproduction may not be made without the consent of the author or his assigns.
    Participants have the possibility of making copies strictly for the private use of the copyist and these copies may in no case be intended for collective use. However, analyzes and short citations are authorized if they clearly show the name of the author and the source in the immediate vicinity of the cited information regardless of the medium. Failure to comply with these instructions would constitute an infringement.
    In case of doubt, our team is at your disposal to answer your questions.

  • What are the general terms and conditions for training?